We've just spent the last 3 days without electricity due to the remnants of Hurricane Ike thundering through. We weren't even in the direct path, just on the edge!

Anyway, a few days without electricity gave me some opportunity to finish the kids scarves I promised them. I'm glad I got chunky wool and big needles as they knitted up really fast, Abby's I finished in one day.

Now that I have finished them I am hoping to continue on with making a baby blanket for the new baby (I am doing it in squares of light blue, darker blues and white and sewing them together...not quite sure on the sewing part yet!), and I am also hoping to make at least one hat and possibly a jacket for the baby as well, although I've not done either before!

Here is Abby's scarf, the flash has made it a lot pinker than it is though, it's more a rose sort of colour really. And then Andrew's scarf in his favourite colour, green (the flash has messed up that colour too, it's more of a forest green than the photo).

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1 Response
  1. Mama Undone Says:

    Loving the layout hon, it's fabulous xxx