I found a layout I liked for this blog this morning so have spent some time fiddling with it and with a Flickr slideshow on the side, which seems to be working the way I want...it should just be showing a slideshow of pictures of craft stuff I have done. I need to take a lot of pictures though to add to it, ones of my cross stitch (I used to have pictures somewhere but not sure if they still exist), pictures of the quilts I've done - or half done as the case may be, my artwork and other stuff.

I do have some pictures of some scrapbooking I've done though. I started scrapbooking in the summer of 2006 in the UK when my mother-in-law was visiting from the US. She had tried to get me into it before, by sending me a kit of scrapbooking supplies (although to be honest a lot of the stuff in it was not my taste), but with two kids 17 months apart I didn't really have a lot of time. So while she was visiting I decided to give it a go. I loved it, and made a few pages, joined UKScrappers and made a local friend and with her started going to a crop. Life took over in mid-2007 which was then taken over even more by our impending move back to the US and all the immigration work that went with it, so in the last year I have hardly done any sadly. I brought all my best equipment with me though so hopefully I can restart it sometime, and now mother-in-law actually lives with me I can do it with her, and she has loads of supplies.

This was the first page I made, and I still quite like it. I tend to go for clean, simple designs, but occasionally I experiment with making things more fluid, usually in circle journals for other people. Other pages I've done for me and for circle journals (and a couple of other projects like a christmas ornament and an exloding pyramid) are all in pictures on the Flickr slideshow to the right. If it works the way I hope it does, you should be able to click on them to see the photos bigger.
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1 Response
  1. Anonymous Says:

    I used to do scrapbooking all the time :) Your page looks brill. I am desperate to get all my things out of the attic.

    How did you get your Blog looking so nice? Do you pay for it?