I am hopeless at updating this. I'm also hopeless at updating my personal blog at the moment too, so at least I'm not discriminating.

I actually have a lot of crafts on the go at the moment, just not many pictures to show. I've been knitting lots, have completed hats for Abby and Alex, and have another hat going for Andrew. It's not been cold enough for hats yet really (Alex has worn his a few times much to his dislike) so I still have some time to finish it. Abby and Alex's hats were really fun and taught me some new techniques which was good. It's shaped so it fits snug over the head and covers the ears and looks like a little pixie hat. I decided Andrew being in Kindergarten and a boy might not appreciate the pixie look, so I'm doing him a ribbed hat, but it's so boring I keep putting off finishing it.

I have knitted a couple of calimatories as well, the first one was for me and I followed the pattern, but it is ridiculously big, and I will have to rip it back. I made my mother in law one and adjusted the pattern and it came out much better. I still want one so I will have another go for me.

I started knitting a union jack out of some el cheapo worsted weight yarn and a free chart I found online. It has become a bit of a Frankenstein's monster, as it has so many colours and I didn't want to have lots of loopy yarn carried over in the back, so I first tried having lots of small balls on homemade bobbins, but ended up with a tangled mess. So now I'm doing it with a few yards of each colour into little ziplock bags which seems to be working better. My needles are also quite short which is making it a bit more difficult, but still workable I think. Not sure what I will do with it when it's done to be honest, maybe add blocks to it for a blanket or something. Really I just wanted to try using lots of colours and anything union jack related to an expat is like a moth to a flame.

I am also making a quilt. A massive one, to fit our bed. I've made two quilts before, one I started in 2002 and still have not finished. It's a single bed sized quilt, and was very ambitious considering I'd never even used a sewing machine before. It taught me a lot though and perhaps I will get it finished someday so one of the kids can use it. The other one was just a little simple winnie the pooh baby one in eye watering colours. All three kids have used it now, so I have got my charity shop money's worth out of the material :)
The one I am making will be blue and white and I am doing a snail trail pattern. I liked the pattern because it reminded me of MC Escher, my favourite artist. I haven't done that much yet, just a couple of blocks. Silly me thought once the kids started school I would have more time, but that has not been the case!

I have plans to make Christmas cards too, so need to do that this month. I know what I want to do and it shouldn't take too much I hope.

That's it I think. I will post pictures when I have some!
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