I'm close to finishing my first pair of longies for Alex...one thing that is anadvantage to knitting your own baby trousers is that you an make them as long as you want. I breed short legged babies so this is a good thing, as trousers are usually way too long on them. I've got one leg done and started on the other so if I really got on with it I should defintiely have it done this week for sure. I've leant loads from doing this pattern, how to do eyelets for a drawstring, how to do short rows for bum room, how to do kitchener stitch for grafting (although I'd probably still have to look at the youtube video for next time), how to knit on circular needles and how to knit on double-pointed needles. I already have yarn for another pair to do after. I also want to knit myself some handwarmers for next winter sometime too, maybe in a fancy stitch. And in purple.

Photos to come on the longies once they're finished!
The last few weeks I have been sewing! With a small baby who likes to be held ALL THE TIME (like right now when trying to type this...), a sling or baby carrier really makes sense. I had a pouch kind with my first baby, I borrowed a Baby Bjorn with my second and then with this one I had very kind donations of a pouch and ring sling kinds. With both of them though I was having trouble getting comfortable with them. Alex mainly likes being upright, and I felt like I wanted his weight distributed across both my shoulders. I started reading about Mei Tai slings and wanted to try one, but didn't want to shell out loads of money! So I found some patterns online and sent about cobbling elements from several different ones to make my own. My first attempt I made in denim with purple accents.

The end result was good, but it's awfully heavy (about the weight of a pair of jeans) and a bit too big for my small baby. It will be good during the winter though.

So then I sent about making another with some design changes, overall smaller body lighter weight material, changing the position on the bottom straps. This one came out much better as it fits him well and he still has room to grow as in the photo it's actually folded up at the bottom.

I'm very pleased with the results. It's very comfortable (although takes a few minutes to put on, it's one ot use when baby is going to be in there a while, not popping in and out), has a roomy pocket on the front, and a flap to put up when he's sleeping for head support and keep the light off him. Eventually I might be able to carry him on my back, but we're not ready for that yet. If I were to make another one, I'd change one more thing that I ended up changing on this one but had to fudge it as it was too late really. Not bad for a novice sewer I think.

I'm also still knitting, making some longies for him...will update on those when I've done a bit more!